Wednesday, September 3, 2008


while watching this english movie:yours,mine AND ours. this show basically about two family become One big family from two single parent after their spouses passed away. Both of them were high school sweethearts apart from 2 decades and they met back in reunion cruise.
After they both knew each other past, they fall in love again, the lady has 10 children and the man has 8 children, both of them wanted to marry but when their childrens know about it they are not happy.
the two family moved together to a lighthouse to loved together. but the childrens didn't get along well, they make a lots of dispute, somehow the parents try to solve the problem but unable.
One day the 18 kids make a meeting to discuss about their family. they want to separate the parents and lived like before.
they did a lots of mess to separate them for example the man like the house to be neat well as the lady like to mess the house. so there is an argument between them .. after awhile both of them blaming each other and and pointing fingers.
the man said he will leave this family as you think that i did clean your art room!!
you should know i cant live with clean house' she said.. all my things have been destroy by you..

this part of this movie show both of them have do something wrong before know the truth..
this shows ad populum appeal to spite